Meter Configuration

Meters that are onboarded to the Leap platform generally move through the enrollment process and become active in one or more programs without any configuration updates needed. However, in some cases it may be necessary to make updates to these meters. This guide outlines best practices and guidance for the following meter configuration use cases:

Participation Status

The Participation Status on a meter is used by partners to inform Leap if a customer meter should be enrolled in grid services and during what dates. It is very important for partners to keep the participation status of all meters up to date so that Leap can accurately enroll meters in demand response programs. For more details, see the Participation Status Guide in our knowledge center (Portal credentials required).

By default all meters start in Participate status (unless you requested Leap to change this default behavior) which means no action is needed unless you want to idle or disenroll a meter. If you’d like to change the default participation status for all new meters onboarded to the Leap platform, reach out to your Leap account manager.


Viewing Participation Status

To check the current and upcoming participation status of a meter, see Use Case E of the Sync Meter Inventory guide.


The following endpoints can be used to set and manage participation status (note the separate endpoints for single meter vs. bulk meter updates within each):

  • Participate
    • Use to set date at which meter should start participating (e.g. to override and end an existing idle period or disenrolled meter)
    • Note that default behavior for all meters is to Participate indefinitely
  • Idle
    • Use to temporarily remove this meter from all programs (e.g. when only participating in seasonal summer or winter programs or when hardware is offline for an extended period of time)
  • Disenroll
    • Use to permanently disenroll a meter from all programs (e.g. based on customer request)
    • Note that if a meter is Active in a program, Leap will remove the meter from that program as soon as possible. This could be the end of the current month or season depending on the program.

Making a POST call on any of the above endpoints will overwrite existing participation periods (i.e. latest request wins) as follows:

  • If the new start time is in the middle of existing period, it would cut short and update the end time of that period
  • If the new end time is in the middle of existing period, it would cut short and update the start time of that period
  • If an existing period is fully encompassed within the new period, it would delete the existing period


Failed 'Set to participate' program check

A failed 'Set to participate' status in the program checklists will prevent a meter from being enrolled. Use the participate endpoints to re-participate the meter if appropriate.

Reference ID

RefIDs are partner-defined strings that can be used to label meters on the Leap platform and assist in correlating and syncing data between Leap and a partner’s CRM or other internal systems. This is typically set as the unique identifier in the partner systems that corresponds to the customer site (utility-meter programs) or device (device programs).

It is recommended to set this at meter onboarding in the Leap Connect URL for customer-authorized meters. For partner-created meters, this partner_reference value is required when uploading or creating each meter.


However, if the value was not set when onboarding via Leap Connect or you need to change the value for any reason, you can do so through the following endpoints:


To update individual reference IDs in the Portal check out the Partner Reference ID Guide (Portal credentials required)

Meter Tags

One or more partner-defined tags can be placed on meters in order to help with the following:

  • Internal partner tracking (e.g. customer device type, partner program name, marketing campaign name)
  • Communicate groups of meters to Leap (e.g. if Leap operations team needs to treat certain groups of meters differently than others)


The following endpoints can be used for managing tags:

Tag considerations:

  • Only lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and hyphen (-) are allowed. Other characters will result in a 400 error.
  • When removing tags, all responses will return a 200 code with the reason string indicating how many tags were removed. If no tags were found with the tag name(s) provided, the string will show: "Removed 0 tags".

Missing or Changed Meter Fields

For meters that were created with the Create Meters API (or Portal Meter Uploads tab) you can overwrite all existing meter fields if needed. The may be necessary for the following reasons:

  • Program-specific required fields were missing when meter was initially created (or new program requirements were added) resulting in the following checklist error:
    • “SERV_0005: Partner needs configuration for fields: [...]”
  • The customer or device information has changed since the meter was created


Use the Create Meters endpoint with the update_existing parameter set to true


All fields must be re-submitted

If you leave any fields blank in the re-submitted meter request, these null values will overwrite any existing values within these fields. See callout at the bottom of this Partner-Created Meters guide for more information.


A nomination is a forecast of a meter’s curtailment capacity in kW. The nomination set in the Leap platform represents the commitment amount that meter has made to the market for a given program in a given time period. For more details on nominations in the Leap platform, see the Nominations Overview in our knowledge center (Portal credentials required).

Leap calculates and sets nomination values for all meters based on a variety of factors including historical load data, technology type, historical performance of the same or similar meters, and discussions with partners. However, it some cases, it may be necessary for partners to directly suggest their own meter nominations. The following endpoints can be used in these cases.

Endpoint to View Nominations

Nomination values that have been or will be used by Leap for program enrollment is provided on a per meter, program, and time period basis.

Endpoints to Suggest Nominations

A suggestion is reviewed by Leap before it becomes an actual nomination. Leap can approve, modify, or deny each suggestion. Modified suggestions are adjusted by Leap before becoming a nomination and will often include communication or coordination with your operations team.

To make and view suggested nominations for a single meter:

To make and view suggested nominations for many meters:

To delete suggested nominations: