Revenue & Settlement Data



The Revenue API is currently in beta. There may be changes prior to general availability. Currently only CA RA program revenue data is available. Additional programs will be added in the coming months.

The Revenue API provides a set of endpoints for partners to access revenue data that has been earned by participating in grid services programs with Leap. Accessing preliminary and final revenue data in a timely manner helps increase efficiency as well as more quickly identify opportunities to improve revenue.

Monthly customer revenue data

  • Understand how revenue is generated within your portfolio filtering by program, meter, market group, customer, utility, or load type
  • Track potential revenue lost due to underperformance and prioritize corrective action to maximize your revenue opportunity
  • Leverage preliminary estimates and final revenue data for customer reporting and payments (if applicable for your grid services offering)

These use cases are supported by the monthly revenue data endpoint which provides revenue data per program, meter, market group, customer, utility, or load type.

Monthly & annual settlement reports

  • Retrieve final settlement report data and format for finance team analysis
  • Sync settlement data with financial systems for automated reporting, analysis, and tracking trends
  • Track settlement report version changes

These use cases are supported by the following endpoints: