API Responses

API Response codes

Bids are validated by quite some rules. In case one of the rules do not pass, you'll receive a HTTP response code 412.
The message body will contain detailed information on what validations didn't pass. It always contains a code and a message.

Possible validation exceptions:

400The bid submissions deadline for admins has passed. You are not allowed to make any changes anymore to the bids for that trading day.
401The bid prices are not in the expected range. All prices have to be less than 1 $/kWh.
402The bid prices have an invalid scale. Check the precision of the bid prices. The maximum allowed decimals is 5.
403The bid quantities are not in the expected range. Valid quantity is greater than 1 kW.
404The bid contains timeslot(s) for a closed market.
405A bid contains one or more meters not assigned to any resource.
406A bid contains timeslot(s) which do not start at a full hour.
407A bid contains timeslot(s) which do not have a range of one hour.
408A bid contains meter(s) which are not assigned to this account.
409A bid contains meter(s) which are not assigned to a resource at the tradingDay.
410A bid curve does not meet the minimum quantity.
411A bid curve price is not within the range of $0.01 to $1.00.
412A bid curve is not increasing in power or price.
413The maximum number of bids in a single file has been exceeded. The limit is set to 100,000 per file.
414The maximum number of meters in a single bid request has been exceeded. The limit is set to 100,000 per request.
415The ask contains resources which are not assigned to this account.
416The ask curve power has quantity that is not positive.
417The ask price is not within the range of $0.01 to $1.00.
418An ask curve is not increasing in power or price.
419The ask contains timeslots which do not end at a full hour.
420A standing bid contains meter(s) which are not assigned to this account.
421A standing bid contains meter(s) which are not assigned to a resource.
422A standing bid curve does not meet the minimum quantity.
423A standing bid price is not within the range of $0.01 to $1.00.
424A standing bid curve is not increasing in power or price.
425A standing bid has an invalid hourEnding value, which should be in the range 0..23.
426A standing bid has start time before next bidding window at [bidding window].
427A standing bid has an invalid time range, i.e. end_time should be greater than or equal to start_time.
428The standing bid overlaps with a different standing bid but for the same meter.
429The maximum number of meters in a single standing bid request has been exceeded. The limit is set to 100 per request.
430The file contains duplicate bids for the following (meter id, bid start).

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