This API is currently deprecated and being removed. It is not currently supported,
apart from by internal users. The current recommendation is to set required bids via the bid API for the days
that are required. If this does not satisfy your requirements, please contact us.

By placing a standing bid, the system automatically places bids on a defined schedule. This makes it easy to set up a bid, and have it reused over time. Actual bids that are placed in the market based on a standing bid defined here, will be visible in the search bid endpoint.

General guidelines
All datetimes must be provided in the UTC timezone

Processing timeline for CAISO day-ahead market
Note that, if the day is Today, the market may currently be open for either:
Tomorrow: if the current time is before 8am PT
Day after tomorrow: if the current time is after 8am PT

Modifying standing bids
Standing bids can be modified by placing a new standing bid for the same meter, day-type, start-time and hour-ending combination. The previous curve will be completely replaced by the new curve.

Cancelling bids
A standing bid can be cancelled only before the market opens. Cancel a standing bid by submitting an empty curve for a meter, day-type, start-time and hour-ending combination.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!