Analytics API Release

Leap’s new analytics capabilities, which have been available for partners to use for several months in beta, will become generally available (GA) shortly.

The GA release is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023. On that date:

  • The “beta” labels will be removed from the new Analyze tab in the partner portal and the Analytics API.
  • The previous version of the Analyze tab in the partner portal will no longer be available and the ability to toggle between the beta and previous version will be removed.
  • Any automations or workflows built using the old Analyze tab will no longer work and will need to be updated.

Over the past several months, Leap partners have been actively using the beta Analyze tab to inspect and better understand performance. As we have prepared for this release, a number of updates have been made:

  • A CSV export feature is available on the Analyze tab; partners can use filters and meter spotlight to select exactly the data they want to export.
  • Time to load performance graphs and reports has been significantly improved.
  • Access to underlying data has also been improved, increasing the ability to add multiple filters without impacting performance.
  • Performance data is generally available in California within 1-2 days.

In the coming months, we will be making additional enhancements, including expanded market and program support as well as new features to help partners better detect and take action on underperforming resources.

The following resources on using the GA tab and API are available now:

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact your account manager directly or send a note to [email protected].